Tuesday, April 7, 2020

End of Term 1

To my beautiful Year 3s,

I hope you are all keeping yourselves busy at home and are helping mum and dad out with jobs around the house!
There are lots of things you can do for your learning at home, but there are also lots of great things you can do over the holidays to have fun too. Click on the picture below and see how many things you can tick off!

I hope the Easter Bunny visits you and I wish you a safe, relaxing and restful holiday.
I'm missing you all very much!

💕 Miss Ahearn ðŸ’•

P.S When he isn't busy sleeping, Griff and I will be checking Literacy Pro during the holidays to see who our reading super stars are 💫

P.P.S Maria-Bella, I hope you don't mind but Griff LOVES the teddy you gave me for Valentine's Day! He carries it all around the house with him and cuddles it all the time. I think it reminds him of his brothers and sisters because it's the same colour and texture.