Monday, March 9, 2020

"What Makes Me Special" Presentations

In Weeks 4 and 5 students delivered their 'What Makes Me Special' speaking and listening tasks. I was so impressed to see the effort that went in to their presentations, props, posters and PowerPoints. It was a lovely reminder of just how special and unique the children of Room 23 are!
Our focus now is to make sure we do lots of rehearsals so that we don't look at our notes too much and to use expression in our voices.

Asha, Eddie, Setaesh, Laura & Suha

Jye, Jaymie, Jaedyn, Yingyu & Kaden

Ibraheem, Maria-Bella, Levi, Ella & Sonia

Kabilan, Ava, Sonia & Dhwaj

Milla, Shanuel, Cooper & Ty (with his Tornado hair)